Thursday, October 14, 2010

The miners

The thirty men rescued of the San Jose mine are an example about the precarious and  unsafe conditions of labour in the mines. This is an important point, because mining industry is the most important profitable area  in Chile, so is necessary that our country supervised  to the firms, because it´s a very risky activity that involved human lives, which the state must to protected (because  live and  personal safety are Constitutional Right).  That is why is not  enough   that state created  security rules, he  must  have control about the implementation and inspection of  the rules that have been announced.
 The rate of death for   mining accident  is  an average around  thirty-four people per age (between two thousand to two thousand nine), I mean, the same number that the miners rescued.  This rate is very high  if we considered that the mining activity is the main source of  job in the north of our country.  Therefore, is an urgent need to improve the systems and procedures to protect the life integrity and dignity pf the workers, not only in mining, but for all workers in Chile.
Now, owners of the San Esteban mining company suspended all activities after the collapse of their mine San Jose and two hundred fifty people are unemployment. So, it is important to make a balance between to create jobs and  the labour conditions.
Even with proper legislation in place, businesses in Chile are prone to ignore regulations, and with eight hundred thousand businesses in the country it is impossible to monitor them all.  The supervision of safety and heath in mines is of vital importance. The inspection of mines by inspectors designated fof the purpose by the competent authority.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how are you Romina, didn´t see you last class, how about visiting us, and updating your tasks?

