The catolic church to had much power from midle age, power that to perserve along of history. This power can be used by priest for good intentions, but also for bad intentions like for sexually abuse to the children, this is serious, because the children are in process up bringing and is very important to protected their suitable develop and this is very difficult if any people made an attempt on their sexual integrity.
The situation is most reprehensible when a priest to make sexually abuse, because the mision of church to protected, help and learn to the people pauper(and the children)according to catolic beginnings, and the priest must to abstain of all sexual conducts. This is not normal, because the human nature to determine at procreation and for be member of catolic church they have to repress, that probably to incite the many priest to make clandestine conducts often and they to abused of their power which whoes cann´t to denfensed and haven´t conscience of the sexually to mean, like that they to satisfy their sexual needs and they used the institution of church for to protected this conducts, which also don´t condemnation this situations for to make her power and looser her legitimacy.
Is very important the parents and family protection and comunication with their children and doesn´t to give of the third people, because the principal process of education must be in the family nucleus and don´t believe in institution that it isn´t pefect and its credibility it is broken.
Notas Finales
14 years ago
Good contribution Romina although we have to work on the use of English more.